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Attributes that will uplift your business

Attributes that actually work to ease your processes and uncomplicate day to day scenarios.


Powerful Features to Streamline Your Business

Performance Boosters



Maintain an approval hierarchy for all documents based on value. Provide approvals with a maker & checker system to keep a close watch on business while on the go.


User Access & Privileges

User based rights and access management for different companies, modules, dashboards and data. Two-factor authentication through OTP.

Multi Currency

Transact internationally with user-defined or automatic conversion rates for all documents. Maintain a global presence & view currency gains/losses in real-time.

Multi Location

Operate multiple locations in a single company and view location wise or consolidated reports. Restrict users to visibility of a particular location data only.

DashBoards & MIS

Intuitive real-time dashboards and reports for a bird' eye view of your Co's performance. Analyze reports to boost sales, optimize inventory, purchases, & control expenses.

Email/SMS Notifications

Configure custom email or SMS alerts for every transaction. Automatically send invoice details to your customers through emails & SMSs.