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Launch your own online Marketplace, Increase your Sales

AlignBooks Marketplace Application, an integrated add-on to AlignBooks

Business ERP MarketPlace

Integrated with AlignBooks

AlignBooks Marketplace is tightly integrated with AlignBooks and all product details, product groups, brands, pricing, discounts will be automatically populated into your store. Any orders placed in the Marketplace will be available in AlignBooks and dispatch/billing will automatically be updated to the customers.

Performance Boosters


Content Management

The Content Management panel provides you with options to design and configure your store's website. Upload banners, brands, logos, page content, etc., all from one place.


Product Management

Increase your product visibility through product management panel. Upload multiple product images, product specifications, features and descriptions, warranty terms, product questions and answers, and much more.

Offers and Discount

Increase your sales through different types of promotions, schemes and discounts.

Similar Product/Suggested Product

Keep your customers coming back for more purchases by showing them similar and suggested products.

Product Comparison

Allow customers to compare multiple products through specifications, pricing and warranty.

Blockbuster Deal

Configure time-sensitive Blockbuster deals with countdowns.

Sign in / Sign up

Customers can create accounts and see their purchase details, order status, past purchases and much more.

Customer Reviews and Rating

Customers can rate and review products and allow other customers to make more informed purchases.

Customer Care

Keep track of all issues and complaints from customers and never let them feel dissatisfied.

Order Management Panel

Never miss an order, manage prompt and effective deliveries through the order management panel.